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C-ID Courses

C-ID Courses

About C-ID

The Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) is a statewide numbering system that assigns a common number to comparable courses within the California community college system. This number is independent from the course numbers assigned by MiraCosta College or any other community college in the state. 

When a C-ID number is listed in the catalog or schedule at the end of a MiraCosta course description, students can be assured the course will be accepted in lieu of a course bearing the same C-ID designation at another community college. Many courses with C-ID descriptors may also meet requirements for the Associate Degree for Transfer to the California State University system.

Courses with C-ID at MiraCosta College

The following table lists the MiraCosta College courses that currently have a C-ID number. As courses are approved for a C-ID, they will be added to this table and noted in the catalog addendum. 

MiraCosta Course Course Title C-ID #
ACCT 201 Financial Accounting ACCT-110
ACCT 201H Financial Accounting (Honors) ACCT-110
ACCT 202 Managerial Accounting ACCT-120
ACCT 202H Managerial Accounting (Honors) ACCT-120
ADM 100 Introduction to the Administration of Justice AJ-110
ADM 200 Concepts of Criminal Law AJ-120
ADM 210 Criminal Procedures AJ-122
ADM 220 Criminal Evidence AJ-124
ADM 230 Policing in a Diverse and Multicultural Society AJ-160
ADM 270 Crime and Delinquency AJ-220
ADM 280 Criminal Investigation AJ-140
ANTH 101 Biological Anthropology ANTH-110
ANTH 101H Biological Anthropology (Honors) ANTH-110
ANTH 101L Biological Anthropology Laboratory ANTH-115L
ANTH 101LH Biological Anthropology Laboratory (Honors) ANTH-115L
ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology ANTH-120
ANTH 102H Cultural Anthropology (Honors) ANTH-120
ANTH 103 Introduction to Archaeology ANTH-150
ART 100 Drawing and Composition ARTS-110
ART 101 Design and Color ARTS-100, ARTS-270
ART 102 Drawing and Composition II ARTS-205
ART 103 3D Design ARTS-101
ART 158 Traditional Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas ARTH-140
ART 159 Pre-Columbian Art ARTH-145
ART 159H Pre-Columbian Art (Honors) ARTH-145
ART 203 Life Drawing I ARTS-200
ART 204 Painting I: Oils ARTS-210
ART 245 Digital Arts and Media ARTS-250
ART 258 Ancient to Gothic Art ARTH-110
ART 259 History of Renaissance to Modern Art ARTH-120
ART 260 History of Modern Art ARTH-150
ART 260H History of Modern Art (Honors) ARTH-150
AUTO 102 Preventive Maintenance and Engine Performance AUTO-110X*
AUTO 155 Manual Transmissions and Transaxles AUTO-130X*
AUTO 156 Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles AUTO-120X*
AUTO 200 Automotive Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicles ALTF-100X*
AUTO 220 HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning AUTO-170X*
BIO 202 Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Organismal Biology BIOL-140
BIO 204 Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology BIOL-190
BIO 204H Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology (Honors) BIOL-190
BIO 202 + BIO 204 Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Organismal Biology + Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology BIOL-135S
BIO 202 + BIO 204H Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Organismal Biology (Honors) + Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology (Honors) BIOL-135S
BIO 210 Human Anatomy BIOL-110B
BIO 210H Human Anatomy (Honors) BIOL-110B
BIO 220 Human Physiology BIOL-120B
BUS 120 Introduction to Business BUS-110
BUS 120H Introduction to Business (Honors) BUS-110
BUS 140 Legal Environment of Business BUS-120, BUS-125
BUS 140H Legal Environment of Business (Honors) BUS-120, BUS-125
BUS 290 Business Communication BUS-115
BUS 290H Business Communication (Honors) BUS-115
CHEM 116 Introductory Organic and Biological Chemistry: For Allied Health Majors CHEM-102
CHEM 150 General Chemistry I: For Science Majors CHEM-110
CHEM 150H General Chemistry I: For Science Majors (Honors) CHEM-110
CHEM 150 + CHEM 151 General Chemistry I: For Science Majors + General Chemistry II: For Science Majors CHEM-120S
CHEM 150H + CHEM 151H General Chemistry I: For Science Majors (Honors) + General Chemistry II: For Science Majors (Honors) CHEM-120S
CHEM 210 Organic Chemistry I: For Science Majors CHEM-150
CHEM 210H Organic Chemistry I: For Science Majors (Honors) CHEM-150
CHEM 210 + CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry I: For Science Majors + Organic Chemistry II: For Science Majors CHEM-160S
CHEM 210H + CHEM 211H Organic Chemistry I: For Science Majors (Honors) + Organic Chemistry II: For Science Majors (Honors) CHEM-160S
CHLD 105 Introduction to Teaching Young Children ECE-120
CHLD 106 Introduction to Curriculum in Early Childhood ECE-130
CHLD 113 Child and Adolescent Growth and Development CDEV-100
CHLD 200 Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood ECE-200
CHLD 205 Health, Safety, and Nutrition ECE-220
CHLD 210 Child, Family, and Community CDEV-110
CHLD 235 Children in a Diverse Society ECE-230
CHLD 270 Practicum - The Student Teaching Experience ECE-210
COMM 101 Public Speaking COMM-110
COMM 106 Group Communication COMM-140
COMM 111 Oral Interpretation of Literature COMM-170
COMM 120 Principles of Human Communication COMM-180
COMM 207 Interpersonal Communication COMM-130
COMM 212 Argumentation COMM-120
COMM 215 Intercultural Communication COMM-150
COMM 220 Introduction to Mass Communication JOUR-100
CS 101 Introduction to Computer Science Principles COMP-112
CS 111 Introduction to Computer Science I: Java COMP-122, ITIS-130
CS 113 Basic Data Structures and Algorithms COMP-132
CS 138 Programming with Python COMP-122
CS 150 C++ Programming COMP-122
CS 220 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language COMP-142
CS 226 Discrete Structures COMP-152
CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems ITIS-120, BUS-140
CSIT 180 Fundamentals of Computer Hardware and Software ITIS-110
CSIT 181 Fundamentals of Computer Networking ITIS-150
CSIT 182 Fundamentals of Computer Security ITIS-160
CSIT 183 Windows Server ITIS-155
CSIT 184 Systems and Network Administration ITIS-155
CSIT 188 Introduction to Cybersecurity: Ethical Hacking ITIS-164
CSIT 191 Fundamentals of Cisco Networking ITIS-150
DRAM 105 Introduction to Theatre THTR-111
DRAM 107 Introduction to Design for Performance THTR-172
DRAM 123 Script Analysis for Performance and Design THTR-114
DRAM 130 Acting I THTR-151
DRAM 141 Lighting Design for Theatre, Television, and Film THTR-173
DRAM 146 Costume Design for Theatre, Television, and Film THTR-174
DRAM 201 Rehearsal and Performance: Dramatic Theatre THTR-191
DRAM 202 Rehearsal and Performance: Comedic Theatre THTR-191
DRAM 203 Rehearsal and Performance: Classical Theatre THTR-191
DRAM 204 Rehearsal and Performance: Musical Theatre THTR-191
DRAM 210 Rehearsal and Performance: Technical Theatre THTR-192
DRAM 231 Acting II THTR-152
DRAM 253 Makeup for Theatre, Television, and Film THTR-175
DRAM 256 Stagecraft for Theatre, Television, and Film THTR-171
EART 106H Earth and Space Science (Honors) GEOL-120
ECON 101 Principles of Economics: Macro ECON-202
ECON 102 Principles of Economics: Micro ECON-201
ENGL 100 Composition and Reading ENGL-100
ENGL 100H Composition and Reading (Honors) ENGL-100
ENGL 201 Critical Thinking, Composition, and Literature ENGL-110
ENGL 201H Critical Thinking, Composition, and Literature (Honors) ENGL-110
ENGL 202 Critical Thinking and Composition ENGL-105
ENGL 202H Critical Thinking and Composition (Honors) ENGL-105
ENGL 280 Creative Writing ENGL-200
ETHN 207 Race and Ethnic Relations SOCI-150
GEOG 101L Physical Geography Laboratory GEOG-111
GEOG 102 Cultural Geography GEOG-120
GEOG 104 World Geography GEOG-125
GEOL 101 Physical Geology GEOL-100
GEOL 101H Physical Geology (Honors) GEOL-100
GEOL 101L Physical Geology Laboratory GEOL-100L
HEAL 101 Principles of Health PHS-100
HEAL 180 Introduction to Public Health PHS-101
HEAL 205 Integrative Health and Wellness PH-106
HEAL 222 Stress Management PH-107
HIST 100 World History to 1500 HIST-150
HIST 100H World History to 1500 (Honors) HIST-150
HIST 101 World History Since 1500 HIST-160
HIST 101H World History Since 1500 (Honors) HIST-160
HIST 103 Origins of Western Culture HIST-170
HIST 103H Origins of Western Culture (Honors) HIST-170
HIST 104 Modern Western Culture HIST-180
HIST 104H Modern Western Culture (Honors) HIST-180
HIST 110 United States History to 1877 HIST-130
HIST 110H United States History to 1877 (Honors) HIST-130
HIST 111 United States History Since 1877 HIST-140
HIST 111H United States History Since 1877 (Honors) HIST-140
HORT 115 Soil Science AG-PS-128L
HORT 116 Plant Science AG-PS-104, AG-PS-106L
HORT 117 Plant Identification: Trees, Shrubs, and Vines AG-EH-108L, AG-EH-112L
HORT 118 Arboriculture AG-EH-130 000X*
HORT 126 Irrigation and Water Management AG-EH-144X*
HORT 128 Landscape Construction AG-EH-132X*
HORT 134 Integrated Pest Management AG-EH-120X*
HOSP 100 Introduction to Hospitality Management HOSP-100
HOSP 114 Hospitality Law HOSP-150
HOSP 133 Hotel Management HOSP-140
HOSP 150 Hospitality Cost Control HOSP-120
HOSP 153 Introduction to Food and Beverage Management HOSP-130
KINE 190 Introduction to Kinesiology KIN-100
LIT 120 Introduction to Literature ENGL-120
LIT 250 American Literature: First Contact Through the Civil War ENGL-130
LIT 250H American Literature: First Contact Through the Civil War (Honors) ENGL-130
LIT 251 American Literature: Mid-1800s to the Present ENGL-135
LIT 251H American Literature: Mid-1800s to the Present (Honors) ENGL-135
LIT 260 English Literature Through the 18th Century ENGL-160
LIT 260H English Literature Through the 18th Century (Honors) ENGL-160
LIT 261 English Literature: Romantic to Contemporary ENGL-165
LIT 261H English Literature: Romantic to Contemporary (Honors) ENGL-165
LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 ENGL 140
LIT 270H World Literature to 1600 (Honors) ENGL-140
LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 ENGL-145
MATH 103 Statistics MATH-110
MATH 103H Statistics (Honors) MATH-110
MATH 115 Calculus with Applications MATH-140
MATH 150 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I MATH-211
MATH 150H Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (Honors) MATH-211
MATH 260 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III MATH-230
MATH 260H Calculus and Analytic Geometry III (Honors) MATH-230
MATH 265 Differential Equations MATH-240
MATH 265H Differential Equations (Honors) MATH-240
MATH 270 Linear Algebra MATH-250
MATH 270H Linear Algebra (Honors) MATH-250
MTEC 110 Recording Arts I CMUS-130X*
MTEC 120 Digital Audio Production I CMUS-120X*
MTEC 160 Business of Music and Media I CMUS-140X*
MUS 100 Introduction to Music Theory MUS-110
MUS 101 Music Theory I MUS-120
MUS 102 Music Theory II MUS-130
MUS 103 Musicianship I MUS-125
MUS 104 Musicianship II MUS-135
MUS 128 Piano for Music Majors I MUS-170
MUS 129 Piano for Music Majors II MUS-171
MUS 144A Individual Instruction I MUS-160
MUS 144B Individual Instruction II MUS-160
MUS 150A Contemporary Big Band I MUS-180
MUS 150B Contemporary Big Band II MUS-180
MUS 152A Small Group Jazz Ensemble I MUS-185
MUS 152B Small Group Jazz Ensemble II MUS-185
MUS 201 Advanced Music Theory MUS-140, MUS-150
MUS 203 Advanced Musicianship MUS-145
MUS 228 Advanced Piano MUS-172
MUS 244A Individual Instruction III MUS-160
MUS 244B Individual Instruction IV MUS-160
MUS 250A Contemporary Big Band III MUS-180
MUS 250B Contemporary Big Band IV MUS-180
MUS 252A Small Group Jazz Ensemble III MUS-185
MUS 252B Small Group Jazz Ensemble IV MUS-185
MUS 260 Contemporary Music Composition CMUS-150X*
NUTR 100 Nutrition Today NUTR-110
NUTR 100H Nutrition Today (Honors) NUTR-110
NUTR 120 Principles of Food Science with Lab NUTR-120
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality PHIL-100
PHIL 101H Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality (Honors) PHIL-100
PHIL 102 Contemporary Moral Problems LPPS-120, PHIL-120
PHIL 110 Introduction to Logic PHIL-110
PHIL 110H Introduction to Logic (Honors) PHIL-110
PHYS 111 Introductory Physics I PHYS-105
PHYS 112 Introductory Physics II PHYS-110
PHYS 111 + PHYS 112 Introductory Physics I + Introductory Physics II PHYS-100S
PHYS 151 Principles of Physics I PHYS-205
PHYS 151H Principles of Physics I (Honors) PHYS-205
PHYS 151 + PHYS 152 + PHYS 253 Principles of Physics I + Principles of Physics II + Principles of Physics III PHYS-200S
PHYS 151H + PHYS 152H + PHYS 253H Principles of Physics I (Honors) + Principles of Physics II (Honors) + Principles of Physics III (Honors) PHYS-200S
PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II PHYS-210
PHYS 152H Principles of Physics II (Honors) PHYS-210
PHYS 253 Principles of Physics III PHYS-215
PHYS 253H Principles of Physics III (Honors) PHYS-215
PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Science POLS-150
PLSC 101H Introduction to Political Science (Honors) POLS-150
PLSC 102 American Institutions and History POLS-110
PLSC 103 Comparative Government POLS-130
PLSC 150 Introduction to International Relations POLS-140
PSYC 100 Psychology of Personal Growth PSY-115
PSYC 101 General Psychology PSY-110
PSYC 101H General Psychology (Honors) PSY 110
PSYC 103 Social Psychology PSY-170
PSYC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Science SOCI-125
PSYC 104H Statistics for Behavioral Science (Honors) SOCI-125
PSYC 114 Abnormal Psychology PSY-120
PSYC 115 Human Sexuality PSY-130
PSYC 121 Human Development PSY-180
PSYC 121H Human Development (Honors) PSY-180
PSYC 145 Psychology/Sociology of the Family SOCI-130
PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology PSY-200
PSYC 260 Physiological Psychology PSY-150
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology SOCI-110
SOC 101H Introduction to Sociology (Honors) SOCI-110
SOC 102 Contemporary Social Problems SOCI-115
SOC 103 Social Psychology PSY-170
SOC 105 Introduction to Justice Studies SOCI-160
SOC 120 Introduction to Women's Studies SJS-120
SOC 125 Introduction to Statistics in Sociology SOCI-125
SOC 130 Introduction to Gender Studies SOCI-140
SOC 140 Introduction to LGBT Studies SJS-130
SOC 145 Psychology/Sociology of the Family SOCI-130
SOC 205 Introduction to Research Methods in Sociology SOCI-120
SOC 207 Race and Ethnic Relations SJS-110, SOCI-150
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish (First Semester) SPAN-100
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish (Second Semester) SPAN-110
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish (Third Semester) SPAN-200
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish (Fourth Semester) SPAN-210
SPAN 221 Spanish for Native Speakers SPAN-220
SPAN 222 Spanish for Native Speakers II SPAN-230
SWHS 110 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services SWHS-110
SWHS 120A Social Work and Human Services Seminar SWHS-120A

* C-IDs that end with X apply to career education (CE) programs within the California Community Colleges and are not intended for transfer. 

Campus Locations

MiraCosta Community Learning Center

1831 Mission Avenue
Oceanside, CA 92058
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MiraCosta Oceanside Campus Building

1 Barnard Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
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MiraCosta San Elijo Campus

3333 Manchester Avenue
Cardiff, CA 92007
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MiraCosta Technology Career Institute Building

2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92011
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