Class Schedules and Catalog Background Image



Associate Degree

Associate in Arts Degree


The study of music provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and theory in instrumental, vocal, and composition. Students select many of their own courses based on their own goals for musical growth. All students, however, need a foundation of theory, musicianship, and keyboarding proficiency as well as private study and ensemble participation.

The Music program offers lower-division preparation for students who plan on transferring to pursue a bachelor's degree in music. Students planning to transfer and/or earn this associate degree may also need to complete additional requirements or electives required by the transfer institution, as many CSUs and UCs have unique admissions and preparation-for-the-major requirements. Students should meet with a MiraCosta College counselor to identify required courses and to develop a written plan for their targeted university.

Graduation Requirements
  • Complete a minimum of 60 degree-applicable units of credit (including major and general education courses).
  • Complete all courses required in the major with a “C” or “P” or better.
  • Complete a general education pattern of courses (see Associate Degrees).
  • Obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0.
  • Complete a minimum of 12 units in residence at MiraCosta College.
Program Student Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to demonstrate the ability to hear, identify, and work conceptually with the elements of music through the successful study of music theory and analysis, ear training, and piano keyboard proficiency.

Course Requirements
Music Major Core Courses (Required)
MUS 101Music Theory I3
MUS 102Music Theory II3
MUS 103Musicianship I1
MUS 104Musicianship II1
MUS 128Piano for Music Majors I1
MUS 145APerformance Lab I.5
MUS 145BPerformance Lab II.5
MUS 201Advanced Music Theory3
MUS 203Advanced Musicianship1
Performance Ensembles (4 units to be selected from the following):4
Contemporary Big Band I
Contemporary Big Band II
Contemporary Big Band III
Contemporary Big Band IV
Small Group Jazz Ensemble I
Small Group Jazz Ensemble II
Small Group Jazz Ensemble III
Small Group Jazz Ensemble IV
Concert Chorale I
Concert Chorale II
Concert Chorale III
Concert Chorale IV
Chamber Choir I
Chamber Choir II
Chamber Choir III
Chamber Choir IV
Vocal Jazz Ensemble I
Vocal Jazz Ensemble II
Vocal Jazz Ensemble III
Vocal Jazz Ensemble IV
Symphony Orchestra I
Symphony Orchestra II
Symphony Orchestra III
Symphony Orchestra IV
Students should select Option 1 or Option 2 based on their interest of study following transfer.9
Option 1 - Music Performance (6 required units plus 3 elective units)
Individual Instruction I
Individual Instruction II
Individual Instruction III
Individual Instruction IV
Performance Lab III
Performance Lab IV
Classical Piano
Jazz/Commercial Piano
Three elective units to be selected from the following.
History of Classical Music
Jazz History
Jazz History (Honors)
Piano for Music Majors II
Guitar II
Classical Piano
Jazz/Commercial Piano
Guitar III
Guitar IV
Vocal Fundamentals II
Advanced Vocal Techniques I
Advanced Vocal Techniques II
Jazz/Commercial Improvisation
Internship Studies
Option 2 - Music Education/Composition/Therapy/Studies (Select 9 units).
Introduction to Music Theory
The Music of America
A Survey of World Music
History of Classical Music
Jazz History
Jazz History (Honors)
Piano I
Piano II
Piano for Music Majors II
Guitar I
Guitar II
Vocal Fundamentals I
Vocal Fundamentals II
Individual Instruction I
Individual Instruction II
Popular Music Ensemble I
Popular Music Ensemble II
Technology for Music Majors
Classical Piano
Jazz/Commercial Piano
Guitar III
Guitar IV
Advanced Vocal Techniques I
Advanced Vocal Techniques II
Individual Instruction III
Individual Instruction IV
Performance Lab III
Performance Lab IV
Jazz/Commercial Improvisation
Popular Music Ensemble III
Popular Music Ensemble IV
Commercial Music Composition
Internship Studies
Total Units27

Courses Related in Content (CRC)

Active participatory music courses that are related in content are grouped together. Students are allowed four enrollments within each CRC group, but each course may be taken only once unless its catalog description indicates it is repeatable. Enrollments include any combination of course completions (with an evaluative or nonevaluative symbol recorded on the student's transcript), withdrawals, and repetition.

Ear Training CRC
Musicianship I
Musicianship II
Advanced Musicianship
Guitar CRC
Guitar I
Guitar II
Guitar III
Guitar IV
Individual Instruction CRC
Performance Lab I
Performance Lab II
Performance Lab III
Performance Lab IV
Large Classical Instrumental Ensemble CRC
Symphony Orchestra I
Symphony Orchestra II
Symphony Orchestra III
Symphony Orchestra IV
Large Classical Vocal Ensemble CRC
Concert Chorale I
Concert Chorale II
Concert Chorale III
Concert Chorale IV
Large Instrumental Jazz Ensemble CRC
Contemporary Big Band I
Contemporary Big Band II
Contemporary Big Band III
Contemporary Big Band IV
Piano CRC
Piano I
Piano II
Piano for Music Majors I
Piano for Music Majors II
Classical Piano
Jazz/Commercial Piano
Popular Music CRC
Popular Music Ensemble I
Popular Music Ensemble II
Popular Music Ensemble III
Popular Music Ensemble IV
Small Classical Vocal Ensemble CRC
Chamber Choir I
Chamber Choir II
Chamber Choir III
Chamber Choir IV
Small Instrumental Jazz Ensemble CRC
Small Group Jazz Ensemble I
Small Group Jazz Ensemble II
Small Group Jazz Ensemble III
Small Group Jazz Ensemble IV
Vocal Jazz Ensemble CRC
Vocal Jazz Ensemble I
Vocal Jazz Ensemble II
Vocal Jazz Ensemble III
Vocal Jazz Ensemble IV
Vocal Technique CRC
Vocal Fundamentals I
Vocal Fundamentals II
Advanced Vocal Techniques I
Advanced Vocal Techniques II

How to Read Course Descriptions

For more detailed information about a course, such as its content, objectives, and fulfillment of a degree, certificate, or general education requirement, please see the official course outline of record, available on the Courses and Programs webpage.


MUS 100: Introduction to Music Theory

Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

This basic music theory course teaches students to read and write musical notation and develops related listening skills. Topics include basic music terminology, rhythm and pitch notation, piano keyboard, clefs, meter signatures, key signatures, scales, intervals, and triads. C-ID MUS-110.

MUS 101: Music Theory I

Units: 3
Prerequisites: MUS 100.
Advisory: MUS 103 or MUS 128 or MUS 145A or Concurrent enrollment in appropriate level piano class.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course begins with a short review of music fundamentals and emphasizes music theory topics, such as triads, seventh chords, and their inversions, and the study of diatonic harmony including topics such as basic counterpoint, non-harmonic tones, secondary dominants, and four-part writing (voice leading) in the Baroque style. Students are required to attend live musical performances. C-ID MUS-120.

MUS 102: Music Theory II

Units: 3
Prerequisites: MUS 101
Corequisite: MUS 104.
Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 129.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall

This continuation of MUS 101 introduces intermediate-level analysis and compositional techniques found in 17th through 19th century Western classical music. The course emphasizes four-part diatonic and chromatic chorale writing and related analysis techniques in both major and minor keys, and integrates intermediate ear training concepts from MUS 104. Topics include diatonic and chromatic chord progressions, secondary chords, augmented sixth chords, Neapolitan sixth chords, chorale analysis techniques, and simple musical forms. The course also emphasizes the recognition and correct compositional use of modulation techniques including pivot chord, secondary dominant, and common tone modulations. C-ID MUS-130.

MUS 103: Musicianship I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course provides ear training for musicians and is strongly recommended for students enrolled in theory classes. The course builds an aural foundation to music theory, including basic pitches, rhythms, major and minor scales, and primary harmonies. C-ID MUS-125.

MUS 104: Musicianship II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 103.
Corequisite: MUS 102.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall

This course provides intermediate-level ear training for the music major and integrates with the theory concepts being learned in MUS 102. The course continues to develop an aural foundation to music theory, including basic pitches, rhythms, major and minor scales, and primary harmonies. Students are required to attend live musical performances. C-ID MUS-135.

MUS 112: American Popular Music

Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

This course surveys popular music in America from colonial times to the present. Students analyze the broad variety of music particular to American heritage in context with the social, cultural, and musical developments of the times. Genres examined include folk, religious, blues, Tin Pan Alley, jazz, rhythm and blues, country, soul, rock, disco, hip-hop, rap, and electronica.

MUS 113: The Music of America

Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

This course surveys a variety of music genres that evolved from the merging of different cultural traditions into distinctively new American music styles. The styles students examine include the music of the early colonists to spirituals, the blues, and jazz as well as Norteño, salsa, zydeco, Hawaiian, and klezmer.

MUS 114: History of Rock and Roll

Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

This course surveys the history of rock and roll from its origin in American popular music to the present. It relates the stylistic changes that have occurred in rock and roll to the social events that surround them. The course also examines historic and current rock subcultures and the attitudes surrounding them.

MUS 115: History of Classical Music

Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

This course introduces students to the canon of Western classical music through a survey of great composers from the medieval period to the present. Methods include historical analysis of each style period and extensive guided listening. The course also considers sociological influences on art and music.

MUS 116: A Survey of World Music

Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course introduces students to selected musical cultures from around the world, exploring their stylistic features, organology, and cultural significance, along with the historical, social, political, and geographical factors that shaped them. It emphasizes approaching music from an ethnomusicological perspective—questioning how and why human beings are musical and how their musics relate to broader questions of identity, communication, and belief systems. Through exploration of these musics, students refine listening and critical skills related to music.

MUS 119: Jazz History

Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Not open to students with prior credit in MUS 119H.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

This course assists students in developing an appreciation and respect for jazz and blues as original and uniquely American art forms. The topic, viewed through historical, cultural, and sociological lenses, focuses upon the evolutionary development of the music and artists responsible for its creation. Students gain an understanding of basic and jazz-specific musical concepts, the profound impact of African-American artists, and how jazz influenced all American popular music. UC CREDIT LIMITATION: Credit for MUS 119 or MUS 119H.

MUS 119H: Jazz History (Honors)

Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Not open to students with prior credit in MUS 119.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall or Spring

This honors course offers students an intense introduction to American jazz and blues history. The topic, viewed through historical, cultural, and sociological lenses, focuses upon the evolutionary development of jazz music and the artists responsible for its creation. Methods include historical and sociological analysis of each style period and extensive guided listening. The course emphasizes understanding the impact of cultural, sociological, racial, and other influences upon the development of jazz and the influence of jazz upon all of American popular music. UC CREDIT LIMITATION: Credit for MUS 119 or MUS 119H.

MUS 120: Piano I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 120, MUS 121, MUS 128, MUS 129, MUS 228, MUS 229. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 0.50 hour, laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This beginning piano class develops piano skills through the use of standard songs and appropriate-level piano literature. It also introduces fundamental musical notation. Students are required to attend a professional piano performance.

MUS 121: Piano II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 120, MUS 121, MUS 128, MUS 129, MUS 228, MUS 229. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 0.50 hour, laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This piano class continues to develop beginning piano skills through the use of standard songs and appropriate level piano literature. The course continues to develop student knowledge of music fundamentals, including notation, scales, and chords. Students are required to attend a live professional piano performance.

MUS 128: Piano for Music Majors I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Advisory: MUS 100
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 120, MUS 121, MUS 128, MUS 129, MUS 228, MUS 229. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course provides technical knowledge and skills of piano for all music majors. Students learn to play scales, arpeggios, and chords. The course emphasizes the construction of triads and seventh chords. Students prepare and play beginning-level piano repertoire in classical and jazz/contemporary styles, and they are required to attend a live professional or educational piano performance. C-ID MUS-170.

MUS 129: Piano for Music Majors II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 128.
Advisory: MUS 100
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 120, MUS 121, MUS 128, MUS 129, MUS 228, MUS 229. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course provides technical knowledge and skills of piano for all music majors at an intermediate level. Students play more advanced scales, arpeggios, and chords. Students also prepare and play intermediate-level piano repertoire in classical and jazz/contemporary styles, and they are required to attend a live professional piano performance. C-ID MUS-171.

MUS 130A: Guitar I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Not open to students with prior credit in MUS 130.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course provides fundamental guitar performance training and music reading for students with any level of prior experience on the instrument, including those with no experience. Topics include music theory, guitar ergonomics, musicianship skills, and note reading performance in the first position in an ensemble and as a soloist. Students are required to possess a steel string or classical guitar. (Formerly MUS 130)

MUS 130B: Guitar II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Advisory: MUS 130A
Enrollment Limitation: Not open to students with prior credit in MUS 131.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course focuses on intermediate-level guitar techniques, skills, and repertoire studies. Course topics include intermediate-level music theory, as it relates to the guitar, improvisation, fretboard roadmaps, fingerpicking, and transcription. Students study, practice, and perform songs and exercises in classical, jazz, and popular musical styles. Students are required to possess a steel string or classical guitar. (Formerly MUS 131)

MUS 141A: Vocal Fundamentals I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Not open to students with prior credit in MUS 141.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This voice class introduces functional techniques in singing for students seeking to develop specific vocal and musical abilities. Areas covered include breathing, voice placement, diction, phrasing, and interpretation. Students are required to attend a live musical concert. (Formerly MUS 141)

MUS 141B: Vocal Fundamentals II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 141A
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course is a continuation of MUS 141A. Singers further explore techniques to develop vocal tone, range, diction, and expression through a broader selection of repertoire. Students are required to attend a live musical concert.

MUS 144A: Individual Instruction I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Corequisite: MUS 145A, MUS 145B, MUS 245A, or MUS 245B.
Enrollment Limitation: Audition.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 1 hour.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course is the first semester of private study for music majors. Instrumentalists and vocalists focus on beginning-level classical or jazz/commercial technique, performance practice, and repertoire in preparation for transfer auditions. Repertoire is performed in concerts and in performance lab classes. C-ID MUS-160.

MUS 144B: Individual Instruction II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Corequisite: MUS 145A, MUS 145B, MUS 245A, or MUS 245B.
Enrollment Limitation: Audition.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 1 hour.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course is the second semester of private study for music majors. Instrumentalists and vocalists focus on intermediate-level classical or jazz/commercial technique, performance practice, and repertoire in preparation for transfer auditions. Repertoire is performed in concerts and in performance lab classes. C-ID MUS-160.

MUS 145A: Performance Lab I

Units: .5
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 144, MUS 145A, MUS 145B, MUS 244, MUS 245A, MUS 245B. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This first course in a four-semester sequence introduces performance techniques in a group environment. Students observe and evaluate performances by guest and peer musicians and complete other performance-related activities. The course is closely affiliated with the individual instruction courses. It is required of all music performance majors but is open to all students.

MUS 145B: Performance Lab II

Units: .5
Prerequisites: MUS 145A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 144, MUS 145A, MUS 145B, MUS 244, MUS 245A, MUS 245B. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This second in a four-course series further explores performance techniques in a group environment. Students observe and evaluate performances by guest and peer musicians and complete other performance-related activities. The course is closely affiliated with the individual instruction courses. It is required of all music performance majors but is open to all students.

MUS 150A: Contemporary Big Band I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Audition and maximum of four enrollments among MUS 150, MUS 150A, MUS 150B, MUS 250A, and MUS 250B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This first course in a four-course series concentrates on the preparation and performance of large jazz ensemble/big band jazz. Beginning students study music from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the 1920s swing style to contemporary styles. The course introduces aspects of large jazz ensemble performance, including stylistic interpretation, rhythmic interpretation, section and ensemble balances, instrumental blend, sight reading, and correct intonation. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. C-ID MUS-180.

MUS 150B: Contemporary Big Band II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 150A
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 150, MUS 150A, MUS 150B, MUS 250A, and MUS 250B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This second course in a four-course series concentrates on the preparation and performance of large jazz ensemble/big band jazz. Intermediate students study music from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the 1920s swing style to contemporary styles. The course reinforces aspects of large jazz ensemble performance, including stylistic interpretation, rhythmic interpretation, section and ensemble balances, instrumental blend, sight reading, and correct intonation. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. C-ID MUS-180.

MUS 152A: Small Group Jazz Ensemble I

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Audition and maximum of four enrollments among MUS 152, MUS 152A, MUS 152B, MUS 252A, and MUS 252B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This first course of a four-course series concentrates on beginner-level preparation and performance of small group jazz. Students study jazz from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the 1940s bebop style to contemporary styles. The course introduces and reinforces fundamental aspects of jazz performance, including rhythmic and stylistic interpretation. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. C-ID MUS-185.

MUS 152B: Small Group Jazz Ensemble II

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 152A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 152, MUS 152A, MUS 152B, MUS 252A, and MUS 252B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This second course of a four-course series focuses on intermediate-level preparation and performance of small group jazz. Intermediate-level students study jazz from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the 1940s bebop style to contemporary styles. The course reinforces fundamental aspects of jazz performance, including increasingly complex rhythmic and stylistic interpretation. It also introduces concepts of conversational jazz performance and beginning-level jazz improvisation. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. C-ID MUS-185.

MUS 155A: Popular Music Ensemble I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This first course in a four-course series, designed for acoustic and electric instrumentalists as well as percussionists and vocalists, focuses on preparing and performing the repertoire of popular music styles. Students are required to play an instrument or sing and participate in on- and off-campus performances.

MUS 155B: Popular Music Ensemble II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 155A.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This second course in a four-course series, designed for acoustic and electric instrumentalists as well as percussionists and vocalists, focuses on preparing and performing the repertoire of popular music styles. Students are required to play an instrument and/or sing and participate in on- and off-campus performances.

MUS 161A: Concert Chorale I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Audition. Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 161, MUS 161A, MUS 161B, MUS 261A, MUS 261B. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

In this first in a four-course series, students gain basic technical vocal skill proficiency as they rehearse and perform accompanied and a cappella music in a large ensemble. Students work to advance music literacy skills and build vocal and choral strength, accuracy, and flexibility appropriate for the study of major choral works that represent a broad spectrum of history.

MUS 161B: Concert Chorale II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 161A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 161, MUS 161A, MUS 161B, MUS 261A, MUS 261B. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

In this second in a four-course series, students gain fundamental technical vocal skill proficiency as they rehearse and perform accompanied and a cappella music in a large ensemble. Students work to advance music literacy skills and build vocal and choral strength, accuracy, and flexibility appropriate for the study of major choral works that represent a broad spectrum of history.

MUS 164: Musical Theater Ensemble

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Corequisite: DRAM 204
Enrollment Limitation: Audition.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Spring

This course provides students with the opportunity to perform in main-stage musical productions. Topics include vocal production, story and character development, and ensemble skills. The singing cast is selected by audition, and all students participate in the Kennedy Center/American College Theatre Festival competition. (May be repeated three times.)

MUS 165A: Chamber Choir I

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 165, MUS 165A, MUS 165B, MUS 265A, and MUS 265B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

In this first in a four-course series, students learn how to perform representative choral music literature with basic technical vocal skill in a small ensemble. Topics include beginning-level vocal production, ensemble skills, music history and theory, and performance skills. Students are required to participate in on- and off-campus performances and concert tours.

MUS 165B: Chamber Choir II

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 165A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 165, MUS 165A, MUS 165B, MUS 265A, and MUS 265B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

In this second in a four-course series, students learn how to perform representative choral music literature with intermediate-level technical vocal skill in a small ensemble. Topics include intermediate-level vocal production, ensemble skills, music history and theory, and performance skills. Students are required to participate in on- and off-campus performances and concert tours.

MUS 166A: Vocal Jazz Ensemble I

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: None
Advisory: MUS 100 and MUS 141
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 166, MUS 166A, MUS 166B, MUS 266A, and MUS 266B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Students study classic and contemporary vocal jazz repertoire through vocal jazz ensemble rehearsal and performance. They present concerts and festivals on campus and throughout the community as well as concert tours. Students develop beginning vocal or instrumental skills, sight reading skills with basic intervals and rhythms, and perform at least one solo using basic melodic shaping and jazz improvisation concepts. Students are required to attend professional jazz performances. First level of four semester enrollments.

MUS 166B: Vocal Jazz Ensemble II

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 166A
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 166, MUS 166A, MUS 166B, MUS 266A, and MUS 266B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Students study classic and contemporary vocal jazz repertoire through vocal jazz ensemble rehearsal and performance. They present concerts and festivals on campus and throughout the community as well as concert tours. Students develop beginning-intermediate vocal or instrumental skills, sight reading skills with beginning-intermediate intervals and syncopated rhythms, and perform at least one solo using melodic shaping and intermediate improvisation concepts, using a student-prepared lead sheet. Students are required to attend professional jazz performances. Second level of four semester enrollments.

MUS 170A: Symphony Orchestra I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Audition and maximum of four enrollments among MUS 170, MUS 170A, MUS 170B, MUS 270A, MUS 270B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This beginning course in a four-course series concentrates on the preparation and performance of symphonic orchestral literature. Students study music from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the Baroque to contemporary styles. The course introduces beginning-level characteristics of classical performance, including stylistic interpretation, rhythmic interpretation, section and ensemble balance, instrumental blend, sight reading, correct intonation, and individual practice strategies. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances.

MUS 170B: Symphony Orchestra II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 170A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 170, MUS 170A, MUS 170B, MUS 270A, MUS 270B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This second course in a four-course series concentrates on intermediate-level preparation and performance of symphonic orchestral literature. Students study music from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the Baroque to contemporary styles. The course reinforces aspects of classical performance, including stylistic interpretation, rhythmic interpretation, section and ensemble balances, instrumental blend, sight reading, correct intonation, and individual practice strategies. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances.

MUS 188: Technology for Music Majors

Units: 2
Prerequisites: MUS 100.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU
Lecture 1.50 hours, laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall or Spring

This survey course presents an introduction to technological tools for students in music performance, music education, and general education. It is designed to introduce basic studio recording concepts, live sound systems, digital audio workstations, MIDI, and music notation software for the performance of classical and jazz/commercial music.

MUS 201: Advanced Music Theory

Units: 3
Prerequisites: MUS 102.
Corequisite: MUS 203.
Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 228.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Spring

This course introduces advanced analysis and compositional techniques found in 18th through 20th century Western classical music. Topics include secondary dominants, modal mixture, and augmented and Neapolitan sixth chords as well as chorale analysis and binary and ternary musical forms. The course integrates advanced ear training concepts from MUS 203, emphasizes the recognition and correct compositional use of modulation techniques, including pivot chord, secondary dominant, and common tone modulations, and it reviews four-part diatonic chorale writing and related analysis techniques in both major and minor keys. C-ID MUS-140 and C-ID MUS-150.

MUS 203: Advanced Musicianship

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 104.
Corequisite: MUS 201.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Spring

This course provides advanced-level ear training for the music major and integrates with the theory concepts being learned in MUS 201. Topics include scale degree recognition with different tonics, rhythm identification and dictation, intervals, cadences, interval and melodic dictation, and predominant chord identification. Students are required to attend live musical performances. C-ID MUS-145.

MUS 228: Classical Piano

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 128.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 120, MUS 121, MUS 128, MUS 129, MUS 228, MUS 229. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Spring

This course provides piano and advanced musicianship skills training. Topics include complex notation, scales, chords, transposition, and sight reading. Students develop advanced-level piano performance skills using appropriate literature, and they study prominent piano composers and different eras of piano literature. Students are required to perform in public at least once and attend a live professional classical piano performance. C-ID MUS-172.

MUS 229: Jazz/Commercial Piano

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 128.
Advisory: MUS 152A or MUS 253
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 120, MUS 121, MUS 128, MUS 129, MUS 228, MUS 229. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall

This course provides jazz piano performance training and covers advanced musicianship skills. It includes contemporary notation, scales, chords, transposition, and sight reading. Students continue to develop advanced level jazz piano performance and accompanying skills using appropriate literature, and they study prominent pianists and the different eras of jazz piano history. Students are required to attend a live professional piano performance and perform in public at least once.

MUS 230A: Guitar III

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 130B
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course delves into advanced techniques and concepts for semi-professional and professional guitar players. Students explore advanced scales, modes, and more intricate chord progressions. The course also covers music theory in greater depth, enabling students to analyze, deconstruct, and improvise over complex songs.

MUS 230B: Guitar IV

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 230A
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the guitar fretboard. Topics include advanced techniques, advanced music theory, and in-depth improvisation. Students also explore genre-specific playing styles and work on a final project showcasing their mastery of the instrument.

MUS 241A: Advanced Vocal Techniques I

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 141B.
Enrollment Limitation: Not open to students with prior credit in MUS 241.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This voice course covers advanced techniques in singing for students seeking to further develop specific vocal training and musical abilities. Topics include tone color, vowel modification, diction for languages, and interpretation for varying musical styles. (Formerly MUS 241)

MUS 241B: Advanced Vocal Techniques II

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 241B
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course is a continuation of MUS 241A. Experienced singers further explore advanced techniques for performance of traditional and contemporary repertoire.

MUS 244A: Individual Instruction III

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Corequisite: MUS 145A, MUS 145B, MUS 245A, or MUS 245B.
Enrollment Limitation: Audition.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 1 hour.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course is the third semester of private study for music majors. Instrumentalists and vocalists focus on classical or jazz/commercial technique, performance practice, and repertoire at an intermediate-advanced level in preparation for transfer auditions. Repertoire is performed in concerts and in performance lab classes. C-ID MUS-160.

MUS 244B: Individual Instruction IV

Units: 1
Prerequisites: None
Corequisite: MUS 145A, MUS 145B, MUS 245A, or MUS 245B.
Enrollment Limitation: Audition.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 1 hour.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course is the fourth semester of private study for music majors. Instrumentalists and vocalists focus on advanced classical or jazz/commercial technique, performance practice, and repertoire in preparation for transfer auditions. Repertoire is performed in concerts and in performance lab classes. C-ID MUS-160.

MUS 245A: Performance Lab III

Units: .5
Prerequisites: MUS 145B.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 144, MUS 145A, MUS 145B, MUS 244, MUS 245A, MUS 245B. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This third in a four-course series explores intermediate-advanced performance techniques in a group environment. Students observe and evaluate performances by guest and peer musicians and complete other performance-related activities. The course is closely affiliated with the individual instruction courses. It is required of all music performance majors but is open to all students.

MUS 245B: Performance Lab IV

Units: .5
Prerequisites: MUS 245A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 144, MUS 145A, MUS 145B, MUS 244, MUS 245A, MUS 245B. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This final course in a four-semester series explores advanced performance techniques in a group environment. Students observe and evaluate performances by guest and peer musicians and complete other performance-related activities. The course is closely affiliated with the individual instruction courses. It is required of all music performance majors but is open to all students.

MUS 250A: Contemporary Big Band III

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 150B.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 150, MUS 150A, MUS 150B, MUS 250A, and MUS 250B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This performance group concentrates on the preparation and performance of large jazz ensemble/big band jazz. Intermediate-advanced students study music from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the 1920s swing style to contemporary styles. The course reinforces aspects of large jazz ensemble performance, including stylistic interpretation, rhythmic interpretation, section and ensemble balances, instrumental blend, sight reading, and correct intonation. Improvisation is introduced. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. Third level of four semester enrollments. C-ID MUS-180.

MUS 250B: Contemporary Big Band IV

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 250A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 150, MUS 150A, MUS 150B, MUS 250A, and MUS 250B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This fourth in a four-course series concentrates on the preparation and performance of large jazz ensemble/big band jazz. Advanced students study music from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the 1920s swing style to contemporary styles. The course reinforces aspects of large jazz ensemble performance, including stylistic interpretation, rhythmic interpretation, section and ensemble balances, instrumental blend, sight reading, correct intonation, and improvisational skills. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. C-ID MUS-180.

MUS 252A: Small Group Jazz Ensemble III

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 152B.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 152, MUS 152A, MUS 152B, MUS 252A, and MUS 252B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This third course in a four-course series concentrates on intermediate-advanced level preparation and performance of small group jazz. Intermediate-advanced-level students study jazz from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the 1940s bebop style to contemporary styles. The course reinforces aspects of jazz performance, including increasingly complex rhythmic and stylistic interpretation, and emphasizes the concepts of interactive jazz performance and intermediate-level jazz improvisation. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. C-ID MUS-185.

MUS 252B: Small Group Jazz Ensemble IV

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 252A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 152, MUS 152A, MUS 152B, MUS 252A, and MUS 252B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This final course in a four-course series concentrates on advanced-level preparation and performance of small group jazz. Advanced- level students study jazz from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the 1940s bebop style to contemporary styles. The course reinforces aspects of jazz performance, including advanced rhythmic and stylistic interpretation. It emphasizes interactive jazz performance and advanced-level jazz improvisation and introduces jazz arranging for the small group. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. C-ID MUS-185.

MUS 253: Jazz/Commercial Improvisation

Units: 2
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Limitation: Audition and not open to students with prior credit in MUS 153.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Lecture 1.50 hours, laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Spring even years

This course introduces students to melodic improvisational techniques used in jazz and many commercial musical styles. Participants study the art of constructing an appropriate linear melodic solo in a variety of common styles, including swing, Latin, bop, funk, fusion, and soul. The course relates music theory and improvisation to chord/scale relationships and modes, modal chord progressions, blues, rhythm changes, and standard major and minor chord progressions.

MUS 255A: Popular Music Ensemble III

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 155B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This third course in a four-course series, designed for acoustic and electric instrumentalists as well as percussionists and vocalists, focuses on preparing and performing the repertoire of popular music styles. Students are required to play an instrument and/or sing and participate in on- and off-campus performances.

MUS 255B: Popular Music Ensemble IV

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 255A
Acceptable for Credit: CSU
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This fourth course in a four-course series, designed for acoustic and electric instrumentalists as well as percussionists and vocalists, focuses on preparing and performing the repertoire of popular music styles. Students are required to play an instrument and/or sing and participate in on- and off-campus performances.

MUS 260: Commercial Music Composition

Units: 2
Prerequisites: MUS 100.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU
Lecture 1.50 hours, laboratory 1.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Spring

This course covers the essential elements necessary to compose music in the contemporary commercial realm: harmony, melody, form, and style. Students apply strategies of effective songwriting through analysis and composition. The course is designed for students with an understanding of basic harmony and fundamental musical abilities. C-ID CMUS-150X.

MUS 261A: Concert Chorale III

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 161B.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 161, MUS 161A, MUS 161B, MUS 261A, MUS 261B. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

In this third in a four-course series, students gain intermediate technical vocal skill proficiency as they rehearse and perform accompanied and a cappella music in a large ensemble. Students work to advance music literacy skills and build vocal and choral strength, accuracy, and flexibility appropriate for the study of major choral works that represent a broad spectrum of history.

MUS 261B: Concert Chorale IV

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 261A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 161, MUS 161A, MUS 161B, MUS 261A, MUS 261B. NOTE: No course within this grouping is repeatable.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

In this final course in the concert chorale series, students gain advanced technical vocal skill proficiency as they rehearse and perform accompanied and a cappella music in a large ensemble. Students work to advance music literacy skills and build vocal and choral strength, accuracy, and flexibility appropriate for the study of major choral works that represent a broad spectrum of history.

MUS 265A: Chamber Choir III

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 165B.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 165, MUS 165A, MUS 165B, MUS 265A, and MUS 265B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

In this third in a four-course series, students learn how to perform representative choral music literature with intermediate-advanced technical vocal skill in a small ensemble. Topics include intermediate-advanced-level vocal production, ensemble skills, music history and theory, and performance skills. Students are required to participate in on- and off-campus performances and concert tours.

MUS 265B: Chamber Choir IV

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 265A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 165, MUS 165A, MUS 165B, MUS 265A, and MUS 265B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

In this final course in a four-semester series, students learn how to perform representative choral music literature with advanced technical vocal skill in a small ensemble. Topics include advanced-level vocal production, ensemble skills, music history and theory, and basic performance skills. Students are required to participate in on- and off-campus performances and concert tours.

MUS 266A: Vocal Jazz Ensemble III

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 166B
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 166, MUS 166A, MUS 166B, MUS 266A, and MUS 266B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Students study classic and contemporary vocal jazz repertoire through vocal jazz ensemble rehearsal and performance. They present concerts and festivals on campus and throughout the community as well as concert tours. Students develop intermediate vocal or instrument skills, sight reading skills with chromatic intervals and advanced rhythms, and perform at least two solos with jazz phrasing and advanced improvisation, using student-prepared lead sheets on music notation software. Students are required to attend professional jazz performances. Third level of four semester enrollments.

MUS 266B: Vocal Jazz Ensemble IV

Units: 1.5
Prerequisites: MUS 266A
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 166, MUS 166A, MUS 166B, MUS 266A, and MUS 266B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 4.50 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Students study classic and contemporary vocal jazz repertoire through vocal jazz ensemble rehearsal and performance. They present concerts and festivals on campus and throughout the community as well as concert tours. Students develop advanced vocal or instrumental skills, sight reading skills with all intervals and advanced syncopated rhythms, and perform at least two solos with jazz phrasing and advanced improvisation, using fully arranged student-prepared lead sheets on music notation software. Students are required to attend professional jazz performances. Fourth level of four semester enrollments.

MUS 270A: Symphony Orchestra III

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 170B.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 170, MUS 170A, MUS 170B, MUS 270A, MUS 270B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This performance group concentrates on intermediate-advanced level preparation and performance of symphonic orchestral. Students study music from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the Baroque to contemporary styles. The course reinforces many aspects of classical performance, including stylistic interpretation, rhythmic interpretation, section and ensemble balance, instrumental blend, sight reading, correct intonation, and individual practice strategies. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances. Third level of four semester enrollments.

MUS 270B: Symphony Orchestra IV

Units: 1
Prerequisites: MUS 270A.
Enrollment Limitation: Maximum of four enrollments among MUS 170, MUS 170A, MUS 170B, MUS 270A, MUS 270B.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU, UC
Laboratory 3 hours.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This fourth course in a four-course series concentrates on advanced-level preparation and performance of symphonic orchestral literature. Students study music from a wide variety of historical eras, ranging from the Baroque to contemporary styles. The course introduces and reinforces many aspects of classical performance, including stylistic interpretation, rhythmic interpretation, section and ensemble balance, instrumental blend, sight reading, correct intonation, and individual practice strategies. Students are required to attend both on- and off-campus and/or virtual performances.

MUS 292: Internship Studies

Units: 0.5-14
Prerequisites: None
Corequisite: Complete 54 hours of work per unit, paid or unpaid.
Enrollment Limitation: Instructor, dept chair, and Career Center approval. Fourteen unit maximum in any combination of work experience education and/or internship studies per semester.
Acceptable for Credit: CSU
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

This course provides students the opportunity to apply the theories and techniques of their discipline in an internship position in a professional setting under the instruction of a faculty-mentor and site supervisor. It introduces students to aspects of the roles and responsibilities of professionals employed in the field of study. Topics include goal-setting, employability skills development, and examination of the world of work as it relates to the student's career plans. Students must develop new learning objectives and/or work/intern at a new site upon each enrollment.

MUS 296: Topics in Music

Units: 1-4
Prerequisites: None
Acceptable for Credit: CSU
Lecture 1 hour.
Lecture 2 hours.
Lecture 3 hours.
Lecture 4 hours.
Course Typically Offered: To be arranged

This course gives students an opportunity to study topics in Music that are not included in regular course offerings. Each Topics course is announced, described, and given its own title and 296 number designation in the class schedule.

Campus Locations

MiraCosta Community Learning Center

1831 Mission Avenue
Oceanside, CA 92058
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MiraCosta Oceanside Campus Building

1 Barnard Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
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MiraCosta San Elijo Campus

3333 Manchester Avenue
Cardiff, CA 92007
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MiraCosta Technology Career Institute Building

2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92011
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