President, Trustee Area 2 (Cardiff, Rancho Santa Fe) - Rick Cassar, M.S.
Vice President, Trustee Area 1 (Del Mar, Solana Beach) - Anna Pedroza, M.S.
Trustee Area 3 (Encinitas, La Costa) - Jacqueline Simon, M.A.
Trustee Area 4 (Carlsbad) - Frank Merchat, B.S.
Trustee Area 5 (South Oceanside) - Ann Crosbie, M.A.
Trustee Area 6 (Northwest Oceanside) - Raye Clendening, M.A.Ed.
Trustee Area 7 (Northeast Oceanside) - Heather Conklin, M.A., M.P.A.
Superintendent/President - Sunita Cooke, Ph.D.
Student Trustee - Rahime Demirci
Superintendent/President - Sunita Cooke, Ph.D.
Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Administrative Services - Tim Flood, M.P.A.
Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Human Resources - Charlie Ng, M.B.A.
Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Instructional Services - Denée Pescarmona, M.A.
Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Student Services - Alketa Wojcik, Ed.D.
Vice President, Institutional Advancement - Shannon Stubblefield, M.A.
Associate Vice President, Chief Information Systems Officer - Anthony Maciel, Ed.D.
Chief Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Officer - Wendy Stewart, Ed.D.
Director, Public and Governmental Relations, Marketing, and Communications - Kristen Huyck, Ed.D.
Dean, Admissions and Student Support - Bridget Herrin, Ed.D.
Dean, Arts, International Languages, and Ethnic Studies - Jonathan Fohrman, M.A.
Dean, Continuing and Community Education and Community Learning Center Site Administrator - John Makevich, M.S.
Dean, Career Education and Workforce Development and San Elijo Campus Site Administrator - Albert Taccone, Ph.D.
Dean, Counseling and Student Development - Ailene Crakes, Ph.D.
Dean, Humanities, Communication Studies and Math - Lauren Halsted, Ed.D.
Dean, Natural and Social Sciences - Michael Fino, Ed.D.
Dean, Nursing, Health, and Wellness - Danielle Lauria, M.P.H.
Dean, Instructional Services - Zhenya Lindstrom, M.S.
Dean, Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness - Christopher Tarman, M.A.
Dean, Student Affairs - Nick Mortaloni, Ed.D., LCSW
Associate Dean, Career Education - Benjamin Gamboa, M.B.A.
Administration of Justice - Ruben Gomez
Adult High School - Angela Senigaglia
Art - Lauren Greenwald
Automotive Technology - Paul Katson
Biological Sciences - Suzie Bailey, Ph.D.
Biotechnology - Dominique Ingato, Ph.D. and Barbara Juncosa, Ph.D.
Business - Nate Scharff
Career Studies and Services - Donna Davis (Fall 2024) and Stacey Mathis (Spring 2025)
Chemistry - Kent McCorkle, Ph.D.
Child Development - Claudia Flores
Communication Studies - anthony ongyod
Computer Science - Catherine Walker
Computer Studies and Information Technology - Steve Isachsen
Counseling - Karina Duarte
Dance - Dave Massey
Design - Paul Clarke
English as a Second Language - Mary Gross
Ethnic Studies - Olivia Quintanilla, Ph.D.
General Noncredit and Short-Term Vocation - Erica Duran
History - Robert Bond, Ph.D.
Horticulture - Steve Isachsen (Fall 2024) and Megan Allison (Spring 2025)
International Languages - Emiko Kiyochi
Kinesiology, Health, and Nutrition - Robert Fulbright, Ph.D.
Letters, Pre-Transfer - Tyrone Nagai
Letters, Transfer - Jade Hidle, Ph.D.
Library Science - Lauren McFall
Mathematics - Leila Safaralian, Ed.D.
Media Arts and Technologies - Leigh Cotnoir
Music - Matt Falker
Noncredit English as a Second Language - Mariana Silva
Nursing and Allied Health - Alison Phinney
Philosophy & Religious Studies - Isabel Luengo, Ph.D.
Physical Sciences - Erika Peters, Ph.D.
Psychology - Lisa Fast, Ph.D. (Fall 2024) and Steve Eso (Spring 2025)
Social Science - John Phillips, Ph.D.
Sociology - Bruce Hoskins, Ph.D.
Student Accessibility Services - Jeff Higginbotham
Theatre and Film - Tracy Williams (Fall 2024) and Eric Bishop (Spring 2025)
President - curry mitchell
Vice President - Sean Davis
Coordinating Officer - Jim Julius, Ed.D.
Senator - Daniel Ante-Contreras
Senator - Leigh Cotnoir
Senator - Erica Duran
Senator - Jeff Murico, Ph.D.
Senator - Ghada Osman, Ph.D.
Senator - Nate Scharff
Senator - Alexis Tucker-Sade
Senator - Afifa Zaman
Senator - Robin Allen
Senator - Julie Graboi
Senator - Sarah Gross
Senator - Brian Page
Senator - Krista Warren
Ex-Officio Member - Sunita Cooke, Ph.D.
President - Omar Jimenez
Vice President - Carl Banks
Treasurer - Marlesha Keys
Secretary - Jennifer Streagle
Senator - Brayan Astorga
Senator - Ingrid Phillips
Senator - Sara Carpenter
Senator - Chelsea Chavira
Senator - Susan Corley
Senator - Kaarina Taylor
Senator - Kimberly Holmes
Senator - Shannon Tuise'e
Ex-Officio Member - Sunita Cooke, Ph.D.
1831 Mission Avenue
Oceanside, CA 92058
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1 Barnard Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
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3333 Manchester Avenue
Cardiff, CA 92007
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2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92011
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